Will This Trick Banish Eye Bags and Wrinkles for Good?

Will This Trick Banish Eye Bags and Wrinkles for Good?

Can a new ‘second skin’ actually be placed over your own in order to banish wrinkles and eye-bags for good? It sounds like something out of a sci-fi film but these new scientific techniques are well and truly real!

A new ‘second skin’ layer can now be painted onto your very own skin giving it the elasticity and youthful appearance you once took for granted. Bags, wrinkles, sagging skin can all be exterminated within seconds of application. This all sounds too good to be true but scientists at Harvard and M.I.T. have been pushing the limits and discovered that this is far from fiction. The journal of Nature Materials has reported on the ground breaking findings.

This ‘second skin’ like material can not only banish wrinkles, but can also be used to treat eczema, psoriasis and certain skin conditions simply by covering the skin with the new substance in order to moisten and soothe the irritated area. Though not yet ready for marketing to us mere mortals, tests seem optimistic and (hopefully) soon will be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for marketing approval!

The only downside to this ground-breaking material is that it does not physically remove wrinkles but merely covers them (very effectively may we add!). The second skin can last up to 24 hours before removal is needed. Perfect for those onetime events or even daily use, if it’s not too expensive that is. If you do however want to physically restore elasticity to the skin, boost collagen and reduce sagging, the only current method is through radio frequency and similar techniques to boost collagen restoration. The Silk’n Facetite is FDA approved and clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Now it’s just a waiting game for this magical substance to make an appearance on the market. Combining this with radio frequency treatments would surely mean an end to those wrinkle woes!

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