Summer Skin Secrets: How to Glow and Minimize Aging This Summer

Summer Skin Secrets: How to Glow and Minimize Aging This Summer

Jiggly arms and thighs? Stubborn cellulite creeping its way up your legs? Face looking a little dull? We’ve got the best tips and advice to get you ready for the heat this summer right here!

What You Want: A Glowing Face

How to get it:

First off, protect, protect, protect! It’s hard to say it enough but one of the best beauty products you should heavily invest in is a seriously good sunscreen. The sun is the number one skin –aging agent. You should be covering yourself daily come rain or shine though especially on your face, décolleté, and the backs of your hands. Here the skin is thinnest and most delicate making the aging process more noticeable in these areas.

Shed your dull skin: Do away with the dullness by keeping your skin cells refreshed. What we mean by this is simple; exfoliate. Dead skin and dirt inevitably builds up on the face after a day of daily activities. Make sure to use a good exfoliator 2-3 times a week not forgetting the neck and chest area. You should be treating these areas the same way as your face, including moisturizing, cleansing, toning – the lot.
Better yet, use a microdermabrasion tool to really smoothen your facial skin and get rid of every last bit of dead, flakey skin. The difference is indescribable unless you’ve tried it! Give the Glo-Me a try and you won’t be disappointed.
Word of caution: If using microdermabrasion or even a good exfoliator, make sure to be EXTRA cautious with sunscreen. The new, fresh skin layer is highly delicate and should not be left exposed to the Sun without full protection from a strong sunscreen (SPF 30 minimum).

You Want: Soft Sultry Lips

How to get it:

SPF chapstick: Most people forget about their lips when it comes to applying sunscreen. The lips don’t tan like the skin and are totally defenseless against the sun’s rays. Forget the chapstick for a minute, it’s likely your chapstick (particularly those that are petroleum based) is actually attracting the sun and is in fact counterproductive causing your lips to fry and dry up in the sun. Get yourself an SPF chapstick and stay away from petroleum based lip balms that tend to have the opposite effect and attract the sun!

You Want: A ‘bikini body’ – Cellulite Free

How to get it:

Exercise: Blast stubborn fat and get a perk bottom with a couple of good core-work outs a week. You don’t need to do crunches to get rid of belly fat. Try incorporating squats and planks into your workout 3 times a week. Even if you’re not at the gym you can do these at home!

Eat the right fats: Focus on a diet high in mono-saturated fat to decrease ab fat especially. Swap your saturated fats for ‘good’ fats such as those found in nuts, olive oil, avocados, think ‘Mediterranean diet’.

Get assistance: It’s always that last stubborn inch of fat that just won’t budge. Be it a jiggle in the arms, a pinch around the belly or maybe your bum isn’t quite as perky as you’d hoped for. Cellulite especially can appear even on Victoria Secret’s models believe it or not! You can easily get a helping hand from a skin tightening device such as the Silk’n Lipo to help you to build new collagen in the skin and zap fat cells into oblivion. The Lipo is also a cellulite reduction device working to pull the skin fibers tighten and smoothen over lumps and bumps caused by cellulite.

Fake it till you make it: A good fake tan is also a great way to soften the look of cellulite! Just don’t go overboard with it and keep it nice and even.
If you liked these tips or maybe have some more summer skincare advice, why not let us know in the comment section below?

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