7 Hacks For Beach Ready Body

7 Hacks For Beach Ready Body

Summer is in full swing and everyone has one thing on their mind – the Beach! It’s ready and waiting for us, all we have to do is grab a towel and show up. But even just showing up can sometimes be problematic as most of us want to present the best half-naked version of ourselves to the world, which might not be the case after months of winter hibernation. Given time and motivation, everyone knows that following a regular exercise schedule and a proper diet will get their bodies in tip-top shape. However it’s almost the middle of the summer, so what do we do when we no longer have the time for lengthy diet or exercise routines?

Well, it turns out there is a lot that can be done in just a few short days to put our best body forward….and it’s much easier than you might think. Here are 7 hacks to get you to the beach on time and looking fabulous this summer:

1 – Hydrate!!!

Not drinking enough water causes the body to bloat, creating a puffy look. Try cutting out caffeine and alcohol and instead drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Not only will the bloating go down, you will also appear more toned because your body will reserve water below your muscles thereby causing them to press out and create definition.

2 – Cut out Sodium!

This is another culprit responsible for major bloating! So try to cut out or at least reduce the use of salt when cooking and avoid processed foods, typically very high in sodium, all together.

3 – Spray Tan

Both at-home and professional applications of tanning lotions and sprays produce the desired results – they help to cover up the appearance of bruises, blemishes and imperfections, so your skin looks even, toned, and radiant.

4 – Shape Defining Devices

When you want to go a step further than just covering up your imperfections and actually reduce the appearance of cellulite and shrink fat cells, you can try a skin tightening machine. Here you also have the option to go with professional or at-home therapies. One such device is the Silk’n Lipo, it is a simple at-home gadget that produces professional grade results that improve the appearance of cellulite and imperfections. You can archive instant results after a few uses and have your skin looking smoother, tighter, and more toned.

5 – Carbs and Sugars

Carbohydrates aren’t all evil, and while white or simple carbs such as white rice and sugar, are to be avoided at all costs, there are some carbohydrates that can actually be beneficial in our body defining quest. High-fiber whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice can actually help diminish bloating, just remember – all is good in moderation.

6 – Dress Your Body!

Find a bathing suit that really flatters your body! You would be surprised how much a proper fitting bathing suit can achieve! This can easily be accomplished by consulting a knowledgeable sales person or the myriad of fashion/style how-to’s that can be found online, such as this.

Utilize the right accessories that highlight the parts of your body that you want accentuated: try a pair of wedges instead of flip flops,  wear a drop necklace to highlight your bust, or short shorts to show off your legs and butt.

7 – Stand up straight!

Good posture not only elongates the body it makes you more aware of it, which in turn makes your movements more graceful. So, walk tall – you will feel more confident and what can be more attractive than that?!

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